Individual Tutoring & Learning Difficulties
Learning difficulties can occur for a number of reasons. Some of the more common influences are dyslexia, Irlen Syndrome, attention disorders, auditory processing issues, working memory issues and autism spectrum disorders. For children in these situations, learning in a busy classroom environment can be very challenging due to noise and distractions. Often these children feel like failures and can't understand why learning doesn't come easily to them. They begin to believe they are 'dumb' and their self esteem slowly declines.
Leonie can work with your child to discover any gaps in their learning. She can assist your child with strategies for school, help them to understand their strengths, and build their self esteem and confidence. Leonie can also provide classroom strategies for your child's teacher.
Tutoring sessions at Ontogenesis are one-to-one and are highly personalised and individualised. They may include a variety of strategies, activities and programs specifically tailored to your child's needs. With a background in Gestalt Therapy (Counselling) and extensive classroom experience, your child receives something truly unique during their time with Leonie. Sessions are available during the day, after school and on Saturday mornings. They run for an hour and cost $65. There are a limited number of half-hour sessions available at a cost of $35 and 45 minute sessions at
a cost of $50.
To discuss your child's needs or to book a session, please contact Leonie here.
After School Tutoring Groups & Workshops (Not Currently Running)
Tutoring Groups
A tutoring group can be arranged where there is a small number of students (min. 4) who are working at the same or a similar skill level. Students may be from the same family, however this is not a requirement. Tutoring groups will run for an hour throughout school term or can be arranged during the school holidays. The cost is $15 per child. For bookings or to register your interest, please contact Leonie here.
After school Workshops
These workshops are small and are aimed at developing your child's self confidence and skills in a safe and supportive environment.
The classes run for an hour throughout school term and cost $15 per child. For bookings or to register your interest please contact
Leonie here.
Creative Writing
This workshop is aimed at developing learning through doing. Participants will be guided to explore writing as a creative expression. The focus will be on encouraging and developing the imagination. Participants will also be guided through the process of proof reading and editing their writing as they work towards presenting a ‘polished’ piece of work that they can be proud of.
Reading/Phonics Practice
This workshop is aimed at students who need a little extra support with early literacy, reading and phonics. Learning is done in a fun and interesting way, using multisensory approaches.